Some of our more astute readers will have noticed that we’ve been redesigning our website on the back end, formulating the new design around our blog. We’ve been slowly putting the design elements in place over the last month or so, and we’ll be continually adding new content as it develops. You can subscribe to our feed in your favorite RSS reader by clicking on the icon at the top of the page or in the URL address window in your favorite browser (those of you who have already subscribed to our feed should update your subscriptions to accommodate the new URL). You can also register and comment on individual blog posts and case studies, and instantly post links to your favorite social networking site by clicking on the Share button
at the bottom of each post. We’ve also added a selection of links at the top of the page for our Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter pages, and a sign up form on the right side of the page for our Bench Press Newsletter. Become a fan, a friend, a follower, or subscriber to get all the latest guitar nerd stuff going on here in the shop.
We’re still working out a lot of the kinks, so if you come across something that isn’t quite right, please let us know. Site suggestions and bug reports can be emailed to us at [email protected].